Divya Sharma


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About Me

Hi, I am a Final Year PhD Student at Johns Hopkins University, working under Prof. Paulette Clancy. I am currently working on a Crystal Strcture Prediction task using deep learning using GANs on a 4D tensor representation of crystals. Additionally, I am also collaborating with researchers at MILA to apply state of the art generative modelling techinques for materials discovery. On the simulation side of things, I am investigating the interfacial free energy of a solid-solid interface using Molecular Dynamics.


Jul 2023 CIFAR - DLRL Summer School
May 2022 Poster Presentation at MRS Spring 2022
Nov 2020 Poster presentation at AIChE Annual Conference
Sept 2019 Started PhD at JHU
Aug 2019 Finished MS in Chemical Engineering
Sept 2017 Started Masters program at Cornell University
Aug 2017 Graduated from IIT Bombay with B. Tech in Chemical Engineering

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